
聯(lián)系我們 | SiteMaps
  • 同聲傳譯的方法有什么(同聲傳譯翻譯工作)
  • 同聲傳譯設備租賃價(jià)格(影響同傳設備租賃價(jià)格的因素)
  • 專(zhuān)業(yè)翻譯公司英語(yǔ)口譯一天費用多少錢(qián)
  • 交替傳譯 報價(jià)講解翻譯公司告訴你西班牙語(yǔ)商務(wù)口譯有哪些翻譯技巧
  • 同聲傳譯一小時(shí)多少錢(qián)談?wù)勴n語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?
  • 佛山同傳翻譯介紹同聲傳譯設備租賃有哪些需要注意的事項
  • 漢語(yǔ)同聲傳譯說(shuō)說(shuō)日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯價(jià)格
  • 交替傳譯價(jià)格聊聊哪家翻譯公司的俄語(yǔ)陪同口譯比較好?
  • 成都同聲傳譯翻譯講解會(huì )議口譯常用語(yǔ)
  • 陪同翻譯的費談?wù)勍晜髯g需要注意什么




  在大型的會(huì )議上,同聲傳譯有著(zhù)重要的作用,今天譯雅馨翻譯公司帶大家了解下提高同聲傳譯能力的方法有什么?

  In large conferences, simultaneous interpretation plays an important role. Today, Shangyu translation company will show you how to improve the ability of simultaneous interpretation?

  影子練習:影子練習又叫原語(yǔ)或單語(yǔ)復述練習。就是用同種語(yǔ)言幾乎同步地跟讀發(fā)言人的講話(huà)或事先錄制好的新聞錄音、會(huì )議資料等。

  Shadow exercises: Shadow exercises are also called original language or monolingual retelling exercises. It is to read the speaker's speech or recorded news recordings and conference materials in the same language almost synchronously.


  Summary of original language: the practice of summary of original language is the continuation of shadow practice.

  譯入語(yǔ)概述: 譯入概述練習是在原語(yǔ)概述練習進(jìn)行一段時(shí)間后將概述原語(yǔ)內容用譯人語(yǔ)進(jìn)行。

  Target language summary: the target language summary exercise is to summarize the content of the source language in the target language after a period of practice.

  視譯: 視譯(on-sight interpreting)是指同傳譯員拿著(zhù)講話(huà)人的發(fā)言稿,邊聽(tīng)發(fā)言、邊看原稿、邊進(jìn)行同聲傳譯。

  On-sight interpreting means that the interpreter takes the speech of the speaker, listens to the speaker, reads the manuscript, and interpreters simultaneous interpreting.


  Tape practice: simultaneous interpretation is a very practical activity, and the skills involved in it can only be mastered by learners through usual practice.

  模擬會(huì )議:這一練習主要針對有組織的課堂教學(xué)。自學(xué)同傳的譯員可以自我組織幾個(gè)或更多愛(ài)好者一起來(lái)做這個(gè)練習。練習要求使用同聲傳譯設備。

  Mock meeting: this exercise is mainly for organized classroom teaching. An interpreter who studies simultaneous interpreting can organize several or more enthusiasts to do this exercise. Practice requires simultaneous interpretation equipment.

