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  • 同聲傳譯的方法有什么(同聲傳譯翻譯工作)
  • 同聲傳譯設備租賃價(jià)格(影響同傳設備租賃價(jià)格的因素)
  • 專(zhuān)業(yè)翻譯公司英語(yǔ)口譯一天費用多少錢(qián)
  • 交替傳譯 報價(jià)講解翻譯公司告訴你西班牙語(yǔ)商務(wù)口譯有哪些翻譯技巧
  • 同聲傳譯一小時(shí)多少錢(qián)談?wù)勴n語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?
  • 佛山同傳翻譯介紹同聲傳譯設備租賃有哪些需要注意的事項
  • 漢語(yǔ)同聲傳譯說(shuō)說(shuō)日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯價(jià)格
  • 交替傳譯價(jià)格聊聊哪家翻譯公司的俄語(yǔ)陪同口譯比較好?
  • 成都同聲傳譯翻譯講解會(huì )議口譯常用語(yǔ)
  • 陪同翻譯的費談?wù)勍晜髯g需要注意什么




  口譯譯員在工作時(shí)會(huì )有需要負責協(xié)調講者與聽(tīng)眾之間的互動(dòng),要有一定的演講能力,下面證件翻譯公司給大家說(shuō)說(shuō)口譯中的演講技巧有什么?

  Interpreters need to be responsible for coordinating the interaction between the speaker and the audience. They need to have a certain speaking ability. What are the speech skills in interpreting?


  1. Familiar with the Speech Place and Enhance the Speech Effect

  為了獲得良好的溝通效果,譯員在到達工作地點(diǎn)后,一定要先熟悉工作環(huán)境。觀(guān)察發(fā)言人所處的房間設施情況,屋頂的高低、窗簾的厚度、房間的面積等都會(huì )對音效造成影響。

  In order to achieve good communication effect, the interpreter must be familiar with the working environment after arriving at the workplace. Observing the speaker's room facilities, the height of the roof, the thickness of the curtain, the area of the room and so on will have an impact on the sound effect.


  In addition, translators need to consider how many audience speakers they need to address, whether they are speaking from the podium or on the move. For the interpreter himself, whether he stands beside the speaker or retreats to the stage, whether he has any auxiliary tools (such as microphones), whether he has a bracketed microphone, a handheld wireless microphone or a portable wireless microphone, he should grasp the situation as fully as possible in the short time before the beginning of his work. Special attention should be paid to adjusting the microphone in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of sound quality problems or insufficient battery power.


  2. Several Essentials of Comprehensive Utilization of Speech



  The production of speaker's voice is accompanied by a series of physiological processes - first, exhaling airflow from the lungs, airflow passing through the throat and vibrating the vocal cords to form sound; then through the pharynx, mouth and nasal cavity, sound is amplified and modified, and finally through the tongue, lip, teeth and jaw to form a specific sound. Translators should pay attention to the application of several elements of speech in translation.



  講話(huà)人聲音的大小和強弱程度。譯員切勿大聲喊叫,即使是發(fā)言人聲音過(guò)大,也不可受到影響而提高音量。適中的音量即使自己的翻譯容易被聽(tīng)眾接受,也不會(huì )顯得信心不足或喧賓奪主。在翻譯過(guò)程中調節音量是必要的。譯員從開(kāi)始講話(huà)就應注意觀(guān)察聽(tīng)眾表情,特別是最前排和最后排聽(tīng)眾的表情。前排聽(tīng)眾露出不快的表情或者后排聽(tīng)眾露出不解的表情,都是音量不合適的信號。

  The size and intensity of the speaker's voice. Interpreters should not shout loudly, even if the speaker's voice is too loud, it should not be affected and increase the volume. Moderate volume, even if its translation is easy to be accepted by the audience, does not appear to lack confidence or to dominate the audience. It is necessary to adjust the volume in the process of translation. From the beginning of a speech, an interpreter should pay attention to observing the expressions of the audience, especially those of the front and the last rows. The unhappy expression of the front audience or the puzzled expression of the back audience are all signals of inappropriate volume.



  聲音的高低程度。一般來(lái)說(shuō),譯員在翻譯中最好采用中音,因為中音顯得沉穩可信,并應注意通過(guò)音調的變化讓聽(tīng)眾感受到友好、溫和、誠懇和熱情。作為譯員,表現出強烈的情感是不合適的,不溫不火的音調可以顯得自己更加客觀(guān)。然而,這絕不意味著(zhù)譯員應自始至終使用一種音調,單調不變的音調會(huì )使聽(tīng)眾感到沉悶,極大地破壞演講效果。

  Sound level. Generally speaking, it is better for translators to use the baritone in translation, because the baritone appears stable and credible, and attention should be paid to making the audience feel friendly, gentle, sincere and enthusiastic through the change of tone. As an interpreter, it is inappropriate to show strong emotions. A soft tone can make him more objective. However, this does not mean that the interpreter should use a tone from beginning to end. The monotonous tone will make the audience feel dull and greatly destroy the effect of the speech.



  講話(huà)人聲音傳遞的速度快慢。通常,中文表達速度是每分鐘150~180字,英文則是120~150詞。雖然譯員應該考慮所翻譯的內容特點(diǎn)和講話(huà)人所采用的速度而確定自己翻譯傳達的節奏,但在平均值上下浮動(dòng)幅度過(guò)大,會(huì )造成聽(tīng)眾接受信息的額外負擔。因此,譯員應采用中等速度,而且在重要信息點(diǎn),如數字、專(zhuān)門(mén)用語(yǔ)、人名、頭銜等和講話(huà)人特別強調的關(guān)鍵詞上應將速度適當放慢。在翻譯過(guò)程中經(jīng)常調整節奏也十分重要。

  Speaker's voice is transmitted fast or slow. Usually, the speed of expression in Chinese is 150-180 words per minute, while that in English is 120-150 words. Although the translator should take into account the characteristics of the content of the translation and the speed of the speaker to determine the rhythm of his translation, the fluctuation of the average value is too large, which will cause additional burden for the audience to accept the information. Therefore, the interpreter should adopt a moderate speed and slow down appropriately on key information points, such as numbers, terminology, names, titles, etc. and keywords that the speaker emphasizes. It is also important to regularly adjust the rhythm in the process of translation.



  信息傳遞過(guò)程中的短暫休息。對于譯員來(lái)說(shuō),適當停頓既能夠自然大方地創(chuàng )造時(shí)間進(jìn)行思考或修補翻譯中的缺陷,又能夠為信息表達帶來(lái)更為出色的效果。馬克·吐溫在談到演講技巧時(shí)曾說(shuō)過(guò),“合適的詞語(yǔ)也許有效,但沒(méi)有任何詞語(yǔ)比恰到好處的停頓更有效”。譯員應該注意掌握停頓的時(shí)間,過(guò)長(cháng)的停頓會(huì )讓聽(tīng)眾認為是譯員翻不出來(lái),從而影響他們對譯員的信任;而過(guò)短的停頓又起不到什么作用。馬克·吐溫認為,“對一個(gè)聽(tīng)眾的停頓要短;兩個(gè)聽(tīng)眾,停頓稍長(cháng)一點(diǎn);更多聽(tīng)眾,停頓再長(cháng)一點(diǎn)”。

  A short break in the transmission of information. For an interpreter, proper pause can not only create time to think naturally and generously or repair the defects in translation, but also bring better results for information expression. When Mark Twain talked about speech skills, he said, "The right words may work, but no words are more effective than the right pause." Interpreters should pay attention to the time of pause, too long pause will make the audience think that the interpreter can not be turned out, thus affecting their trust in the interpreter; and too short pause will not play a role. According to Mark Twain, "a pause for one listener is shorter; for two listeners, a pause is longer; for more listeners, a pause is longer".




  Whether the pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of the language used by the speaker are correct or not. A good interpreter should, first of all, have no obstacles in the oral expression of both Chinese and English. At least his pronunciation should conform to the norms and standards of the language he uses and avoid the influence of local accents. This is one of the basic qualities of an interpreter, which is not detailed here.




  Can the speaker speak clearly and completely? Speaking clearly is essential to effectively convey information. Slowing down the speed of speech is an effective way to strengthen vocabulary. At the same time, because the speech in formal occasion is different from conversation, it often requires the speaker to pronounce the words more completely. The reading, weakening and swallowing between the words (words and words) need to be reduced appropriately, and the unnecessary expressions with personal habits, such as "Hmm..." should be avoided. "This..." "That is to say..." "Well..." "Eh..." "Yes..." "OK..." And so on.


  3. Keep good manners


  Apart from verbal expression, the body language of an interpreter is equally important. In the process of translation, translators should consider the following aspects:


  Be dressed in

  譯員的穿著(zhù)要大方得體,并根據工作的場(chǎng)合調整。在正式的談判、會(huì )議、宴會(huì )等場(chǎng)合,譯員需要著(zhù)正裝,但無(wú)需過(guò)于夸張;另外一些較為輕松的場(chǎng)合,如導游、參觀(guān)、便飯等,可以著(zhù)比較休閑一些的服裝(BuisnessCausual)。如果不肯定如何著(zhù)裝,一定要向組織者詢(xún)問(wèn)。重要的是,良好的著(zhù)裝絕不等同于昂貴新潮的品牌服飾,而應是整潔、大方、得體的衣著(zhù)。

  The interpreter should dress appropriately and carefully, and adjust according to the working situation. In formal negotiations, meetings, banquets and other occasions, interpreters need to wear formal clothes, but not exaggerated; in other relaxed occasions, such as guides, tours, potluck, etc., they can wear more leisure clothes (Buisness Causual). If you are not sure how to dress, be sure to ask the organizer. Importantly, good dress is not the same as expensive and trendy brand dress, but should be neat, generous and appropriate dress.




  Standing/sitting posture should be correct and proper, and the body should not swing frequently and substantially. You can't cross your legs when standing, and you can't cross your legs or shake your legs when sitting. A high level of engagement should be maintained at work.



  作為譯員,過(guò)多使用手勢會(huì )給人搶風(fēng)頭的感覺(jué)。在非正式的日常工作口譯中,譯員可以適當在交流中輔以手勢;但在正式場(chǎng)合,譯員一定要保持端正持重,切忌手舞足蹈。

  As an interpreter, using too many gestures can make people feel like stealing the limelight. In informal daily work interpreting, the interpreter can properly use gestures in communication, but in formal occasions, the interpreter must be upright and respectful, and never dance.



  增加與聽(tīng)眾的目光交流,可以加強溝通的效果。不過(guò),譯員和來(lái)自不同國家和文化背景的人接觸,應注意不同文化對于目光接觸的禁忌。例如:歐美、阿拉伯國家的人在交談時(shí)習慣直視對方的眼睛,而亞洲和非洲一些國家的人交談時(shí)則避免直接目光接觸,特別是不同性別、不同身份層次的情況下。如果是正式場(chǎng)合的演講,譯員則應和不同方位的聽(tīng)眾進(jìn)行目光交流,而且目光在某一方位停留的時(shí)間應相對延長(cháng)一些,否則會(huì )給人飄忽不定、缺乏自信的印象。

  Increasing eye contact with the audience can enhance the effectiveness of communication. However, when contacting people from different countries and cultures, translators should pay attention to the taboos of different cultures on eye contact. For example, people in Europe, America and Arab countries are accustomed to looking directly into each other's eyes when talking, while people in Asia and some African countries avoid direct eye contact when talking, especially in the case of different gender and different status levels. If a speech is given on a formal occasion, the interpreter should have eye contact with the audience from different directions, and the time for his eyes to stay in a certain position should be prolonged relatively, otherwise he will give the impression of uncertainty and lack of self-confidence.



  通過(guò)輕松自然的表情,時(shí)刻向聽(tīng)眾傳達友好。即使在翻譯過(guò)程中有困難出現時(shí),譯員也不應該皺眉、瞪眼或流露出其它沮喪、無(wú)奈的表情。譯員的面部表情需要表現出對聽(tīng)眾的善意,也應展現自己對所翻譯的話(huà)題的興趣和把握。同時(shí),譯員不是演員,夸張做作的面部表情只會(huì )適得其反。

  Through a relaxed and natural expression, always convey friendliness to the audience. Even when difficulties arise in the process of translation, translators should not frown, stare or show other expressions of frustration and helplessness. The translator's facial expressions need to show his goodwill to the audience and his interest and grasp of the translated topic. Meanwhile, interpreters are not actors, and exaggerated facial expressions can only backfire.
