
聯(lián)系我們 | SiteMaps
  • 同聲傳譯的方法有什么(同聲傳譯翻譯工作)
  • 同聲傳譯設備租賃價(jià)格(影響同傳設備租賃價(jià)格的因素)
  • 專(zhuān)業(yè)翻譯公司英語(yǔ)口譯一天費用多少錢(qián)
  • 交替傳譯 報價(jià)講解翻譯公司告訴你西班牙語(yǔ)商務(wù)口譯有哪些翻譯技巧
  • 同聲傳譯一小時(shí)多少錢(qián)談?wù)勴n語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?
  • 佛山同傳翻譯介紹同聲傳譯設備租賃有哪些需要注意的事項
  • 漢語(yǔ)同聲傳譯說(shuō)說(shuō)日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯怎么收費?日語(yǔ)同傳翻譯價(jià)格
  • 交替傳譯價(jià)格聊聊哪家翻譯公司的俄語(yǔ)陪同口譯比較好?
  • 成都同聲傳譯翻譯講解會(huì )議口譯常用語(yǔ)
  • 陪同翻譯的費談?wù)勍晜髯g需要注意什么




  What is the alternative way of interpreting in a small-scale translation company?


  交替傳譯需保持清醒的頭腦。這是做好所有工作必須要具備的條件,試想一個(gè)頭腦不清晰的人做什么都是不會(huì )成功的,更何況是做這么細致的翻譯工作呢?做翻譯本來(lái)就要求有敏捷的思維。

  Consecutive interpretation requires a clear mind. This is a necessary condition for doing all work well. Imagine that a person with unclear mind will not succeed in anything, let alone doing such detailed translation work? Translation requires quick thinking.

  交替傳譯需注意仔細理解別人的話(huà)。這是一個(gè)很重要的環(huán)節,只有很好地理解別人所說(shuō)的,才能更好地傳遞信息,才不至于造成不必要的誤會(huì )。其實(shí)有很多誤會(huì )都是由于理解不到位引起的。所以作為交傳翻譯員一定要細心,注意理解。

  Consecutive interpretation requires careful understanding of what others say. This is a very important link. Only by understanding what others say well can we better convey information and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. In fact, many misunderstandings are caused by inadequate understanding. Therefore, as a hand in interpreter, we must be careful and pay attention to understanding.

  對于我們的翻譯員來(lái)講,一定要充分理解這些相關(guān)文化,平時(shí)就要針對自己所說(shuō)的語(yǔ)言文化進(jìn)行研讀、理解,只有具備了充分的文化知識,才不至于在正式場(chǎng)合出現錯誤。只有具備豐富的閱歷知識才會(huì )被人所折服。

  For our translators, we must fully understand these relevant cultures. At ordinary times, we should study and understand the language and culture we speak. Only with sufficient cultural knowledge can we avoid making mistakes in formal occasions. Only with rich experience and knowledge can people be convinced.

  在接受新的領(lǐng)域的會(huì )議時(shí),譯員要提前了解會(huì )議內容,會(huì )前資料越多越全面越好,由于是全新的領(lǐng)域,口譯員幾乎不可能在短時(shí)間里迅速進(jìn)入會(huì )議涉及領(lǐng)域的原理、機制和系統層面,而只能對基本的概念、名詞和事實(shí)加以快速吸收,所以在現場(chǎng)出現口譯員不懂具體原理,但卻能舉重若輕地對發(fā)言人復雜的介紹娓娓道來(lái),讓雙方溝通無(wú)礙。

  When accepting a meeting in a new field, the interpreter should know the content of the meeting in advance. The more information before the meeting, the more comprehensive it is. Because it is a new field, it is almost impossible for the interpreter to quickly enter the principle, mechanism and system level of the field involved in the meeting in a short time, but can only quickly absorb the basic concepts, nouns and facts. Therefore, the interpreter does not understand the specific principle on the spot, However, it can speak freely about the speaker's complex introduction, so that the communication between the two sides is unimpeded.
